Psychoactive substance use and suicidal risk in users of addiction rehabilitation




Psychoactive substance, Suicidal risk, Sedative drugs, Cannabis


The study aims to evaluate the relationship of psychoactive substance use and suicidal risk in a group of users of addiction rehabilitation centers during the first half of 2018. Method: The study used a quantitative approach, which allowed the description and establishment of the relationship of the variables under study; a non-experimental, cross sectional design was used, with a descriptive-correlational scope. The participants were 54 users of the rehabilitation centers CARA, CENICSOL, HODERA and the A.A. group Hermandad 25 de noviembre. The Plutchik Suicide Risk Scale (RS) and the Alcohol, Tobacco and Substances Screening Test (ASSIST) were applied. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used, which allowed the hypothesis contrast to be realized. Results: Results indicate that the main impact drug of participants is alcohol. As for the suicidal risk, it was found that most are at mild risk; it means that they experience suicidal thought. Finally, it was found that there is a statistically significant relationship between sedative drugs and cannabis use with suicidal risk.


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How to Cite

Amador Jiménez, D. E., Salinas Pérez., X. M., & Pérez López, C. J. (2018). Psychoactive substance use and suicidal risk in users of addiction rehabilitation. Revista Humanismo Y Cambio Social, 38–51.



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