Saemaul Undong: contributions for rural development in Nicaragua




Saemaul Undong, development model, agroexport model, paradigm, rural development, cultural revolution


The Saemaul Undong is presented as a contribution to rural development in Nicaragua. The study presented here aims to explain the factors that made possible the transformation of rural communities in South Korea and the factors that can make possible its application in Nicaragua from the realities themselves. The methodology used for this study was documentary research, which involved the review, analysis and discussion of the issues addressed. The main result of the analysis is that the agro-export model in Nicaragua has not meant a comprehensive economic development strategy for the country, while the Saemaul Undong, with its elemental or 1.0 principles of Diligence, Self-help and Cooperation, as well as the 2.0 principles of Sharing, Service and Creativity can constitute active principles for achieving community-based rural development. The conclusion is that it is necessary to learn about other countries experiences that can contribute to improving the quality of life in the countryside.


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Author Biographies

Ruth Nohemí Rojas Icabalzeta, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua. UNAN-Managua

Docente-investigadora UNAN-Managua, Filológa, Máster en Estudios Históricos Latinoamericanos y Caribeños. Máster en Administración pública y Saemaul Undong, en Yeunang Corea del Sur. Relaciones públicas e Internacionales. Docente de la carrera de comunicación para el Desarrollo.

José Ramón Hernández Velásquez

Docentes-investigador UNAN-Managua, Antropólogo. Master en Desarollo Rural. Doctor en Desarrollo Rural Territorial Sustentable. Docente del Departamento de Antropología. Posgrado y Educación Continua. Curso de especialización en Aplicación del Saemaul Undong en Centro América. Instituto Hyundai.


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How to Cite

Rojas Icabalzeta, R. N., & Hernández Velásquez, J. R. (2020). Saemaul Undong: contributions for rural development in Nicaragua. Revista Humanismo Y Cambio Social, 99–115.



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