Literature for centuries: a reflection of the pedagogical proposal in literature




Literary education, transdisciplinarity, axiological value, pedagogical dimensions, evaluation


Literature (understood as art with a measurable value from other cross-sectional activities starting from it) has been taken for a long time, in certain critical positions, such as a symbolic-representative magnification written from the past, social events, natural, philosophical, and so on. In the field of higher education, there are certain essential guidelines for learning and teaching from literature that shape the pedagogical character of the training in this area of knowledge, of course, the degree in/for the field of teaching is configured. Therefore, this text aims to bring these guidelines closer together and to reflect on the effectiveness and the way they are treated from the pedagogical field, taking into account the transdisciplinary educational scope of the literature career for the benefit of an integral student training in values, both in the Ecuadorian and Latin American case.



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How to Cite

Carrera Barragán, D. A. (2022). Literature for centuries: a reflection of the pedagogical proposal in literature. Revista Lengua Y Literatura, 8(1), 57–70.




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