Livelihoods, agroecology and food security: Valuing the contribution of rural women, Nicaragua-2024
agroecology, livelihoods, rural development, gender, feminismAbstract
The purpose of this research is to analyze the role of care in the livelihoods of women agroecological producers of the Pedro Joaquín Chamorro Community, documentation was reviewed and surveys were applied to women of the Pedro Joaquín Chamorro community. The methodology of the work will be organized as follows: typology of the research, the stages of the research are described. In the first stage, it is intended to apply surveys to carry out the research, construction of the theoretical bases of the research and the reference framework, selection and design of an instrument to collect the information. In the second stage, the population and sample are determined, the fieldwork will be carried out according to the previously designed instruments. In the third part, the procedure for analyzing the information is described. Contributions, highlighted in agroecological transitions, strengthening livelihoods and building more equitable gender relations are closely interlinked in a rural community. The agroecological transition involves profound changes in the way women farmers produce food, which can improve livelihoods. This in turn can contribute to gender equality, since as women farmers can have access to greater production opportunities and, therefore, greater livelihoods.
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