
ISSN 2410-5708 / e-ISSN 2313-7215

Year 8 | No. 21 | p. 5 | February - May 2019




PhD. Julio Orozco Alvarado

Teaching and Languages Faculty Professor



The substantive functions of the University are teaching, research, projection and extension, university management and internationalization. In this edition, the Magazine is carrying out the five functions of university work simultaneously. In the so-called information and knowledge society, the dissemination of knowledge takes on great social relevance.

Each publication contributes to the development of science, dissemination of knowledge, extension, and internationalization of the substantive activities of the University, especially since this means of dissemination of the scientific activity of many research teachers is indexed in national and international databases.

The themes addressed in this edition allow analyzing and conceiving scientific activity in an interdisciplinary manner. The current perspectives in the social and educational field place much emphasis on theories and trends based on the paradigm of complexity thinking. This paradigm addresses the phenomena and facts that arise holistically at the macro and micro levels, that is, the phenomena are analyzed from a multicausal and multidisciplinary perspective. This implies that facts and phenomena cannot be studied independently or by separating one area of knowledge from another; on the contrary, the challenge is to explain the phenomena from various areas of knowledge.

That is why today’s research is approached in a multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary manner. This entails that research must be carried out from the perspective of several areas of knowledge, that is, if we are investigating learning processes, it can be studied from biology, psychology, and pedagogy. Similarly in education, the current trends are to conceive the curriculum in an integrated manner to allow the integral training of professionals from different areas of knowledge.