Description of the community of trees and proposal of native species for the beautification of the green areas of the Creative Circuits in the cities of Masaya, San Juan de Oriente and Granada
Green áreast, native trees, ornamental, San Juan de Oriente, Masaya, Granada, Circuito CreativoAbstract
A description of the most common trees that are part of the green areas of the Creative Circuit of the cities of Masaya, San Juan de Oriente and Granada is presented. The linear transect methodology was used, recording data on the most common tree species present in public green areas in the creative circuit of each city. A total of 11 tree species that dominate the green areas of said circuits of Masaya, Granada and San Juan de Oriente are reported. These cities share more than 50% of the reported species, evidencing the similarity in the tree composition of the circuits. 63 % of the tree species are introduced plants, the most abundant being Neem (Azadirachta indica) and Indian laurel (Ficus microcarpa). A list of 43 tree, shrub and some climbing species with ornamental potential is proposed, promoting the use of native species, in order to beautify the green areas of cities and, in turn, contribute to the conservation of biodiversity.
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