Level of knowledge about COVID-19 in students of the Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo. Ecuador


  • Dennys Tenelanda López Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo, Ecuador
  • Dayana Guerrero De La Torre Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo, Ecuador
  • Paola Moscoso Gaibor Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo, Ecuador
  • Carlos Albán Hurtado Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo, Ecuador




Knowledge, COVID-19, dentistry


The objective of this research was to compare the level of knowledge about COVID-19 among students of the career of dentistry and other careers of the National University of Chimborazo not related to Health Sciences. Descriptive cross-sectional research with a mixed approach was carried out. Of the 600 students selected, two groups were established that fulfilled the selection criteria; the first was formed by 300 students of the Dentistry career and the second group was formed by 300 students belonging to various university careers unrelated to the health sciences. The research techniques used were the survey and the test with the questionnaire as an instrument. It was shown that there are differences between the groups studied in this research (p= 0.000) concerning the grades obtained, as well as a low positive correlation between the level of knowledge and the semester of training (p= 0.012). It was concluded that the percentage difference is minimal in the level of knowledge about COVID-19 between the two groups studied, however, a statistically significant difference was evidenced.


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How to Cite

Tenelanda López, D., Guerrero De La Torre, D., Moscoso Gaibor, P., & Albán Hurtado, C. (2021). Level of knowledge about COVID-19 in students of the Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo. Ecuador. Revista Científica Estelí, (37), 2–16. https://doi.org/10.5377/farem.v0i37.11209




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