The minidictionary as a metacognitive strategy through the use of the tic classroom for teaching 10th grade Nahuatl substratum, Rigoberto Lopez Perez High School, Managua, Nicaragua




Substrate, Nahuatl, lexicon, strategy, minidictionary


The Nahuatl substratum in Nicaragua is part of its identity, therefore, it should be widely present in student education, as part of the linguistic and cultural heritage of the aboriginal peoples who settled in the country. In the MUP (Macro Pedagogical Unit) of MINED (Ministry of Education of the Republic of Nicaragua), the teaching of the Nahuatl language in 10th grade students is oriented as part of the cultural and linguistic rescue of Nicaraguan history. Currently, these terms are falling into disuse due to transculturation by the mass media, technological influence, and the strong influence of standard Spanish. Likewise, this article shows different lexical studies that express the importance of reinforcing the rescue of the Nahuatl substratum. It is also necessary to search for different strategies that help in the learning of Nahuatl words, such as the mini-dictionary that promotes in a creative, playful and entertaining way the taste and learning of these terms. This article aims to promote the mini-dictionary as a metacognitive strategy through the use of the ICT classroom for the teaching of the Nahuatl substratum, from a didactic sequence, in 10th grade students of the Rigoberto López Pérez Institute, in the year 2022. Therefore, it is essential to teach this content with varied, flexible, technological and creative strategies so that students learn Nahuatlisms in a substantial, meaningful and contextualized way.


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How to Cite

Peña Ruiz, E. L., Saavedra Díaz, K. N., & Gómez Castillo, S. A. (2023). The minidictionary as a metacognitive strategy through the use of the tic classroom for teaching 10th grade Nahuatl substratum, Rigoberto Lopez Perez High School, Managua, Nicaragua. Revista Científica Estelí, 12(46), 128–146.




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