Impact of genomic reordering studies on human genome sequencing




Permutation ordering, heuristic algorithms, metaheuristic algorithms, human genome


This review article shows the main contributions of the scientific literature related to the SBPR problem (Sorting Permutations By Prefix Reversals) carried out in the last 47 years that have served as the basis for the complete sequencing of the human genome. In fact, the purpose of this study is to describe the main background of the problem from its origins to its final application in human genome sequencing. The methodology used is based on the documentary review, which allowed the construction of a matrix and a graph, where all possible bibliographic interconnections are summarized. However, the main findings show that the 1990s were key to develop a solid theory in terms of construction and verification of algorithms. Finally, conclusions and future perspectives of the main results obtained are given.


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How to Cite

Palacios López, W. J., & Hernández Gómez, F. J. (2023). Impact of genomic reordering studies on human genome sequencing. Revista Científica Estelí, 12(46), 262–278.




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