The teaching of English through digital platforms at the University of Artemisa, Cuba




Teaching, English, digital platforms


The use of digital platforms called for a much more active, constructivist and collaborative didactics with the new times. Teachers must develop competencies and skills in students, which meet and respond to their needs to face their social environment, the inclusion of ICTs as an alternative needs more preparation, teachers acknowledge having major deficiencies in relation to training for the didactic use of media and for the design and production of materials, however, it is recognized that despite the uncertainty in the use of digital platforms, the use of ICTs as an alternative needs more preparation, it is recognized that despite the uncertainty, virtual education has renewed the processes of teaching and learning foreign languages, so it is necessary to rethink the didactic-digital strategy and integrate the students in the decision making process in relation to the use of ICTs in their perception of their usefulness, which is why it was proposed as the objective of this research: To demonstrate the development of English language learning through digital platforms in the training of teachers of the career Foreign Languages, English at the University of Artemisa. Theoretical, empirical and statistical-mathematical methods were applied to carry out this research. The contents were oriented to the Moodle platform and asynchronous media. The results showed an advance in the development of the English language since they opened a range of possibilities and encouraged the continuous training of the students involved to achieve the objectives set to the current and future needs. Considering learning as a fundamental axis in education, the teacher’s role is to facilitate these processes to achieve the goals proposed in student education and where students demonstrate creative thinking, build knowledge and develop innovative products and processes using ICTs.


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How to Cite

Fundora Ramírez, P., Rodríguez Fernández, L. R., & Reiné Herrera, Y. (2023). The teaching of English through digital platforms at the University of Artemisa, Cuba. Revista Científica Estelí, 12(46), 165–183.




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