Factors that affect the quality of academic performance of engineering students


  • Sergio Junior Navarro Hudiel Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, Sede Regional Norte
  • Sandra Lorena Blandón Navarro Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, Sede Regional Norte




The factors that determine the academic performance in educational institutions represent a complex process. Many of the aspects addressed in this essay refer to the multidimensional interaction between personal, institutional, socio-economic as well as technological elements. It highlights the importance of the analysis and evaluation of academic performance for those trained in engineering and the need to evaluate the levels of employability that allow to assess the contribution of higher education institutions in their environment, Medium and long term that increase the possibilities for the employment of its students. The proposed strategic actions should include the link between the universities and the different sectors that boost economy so that jointly they can solve problems at the enterprise level, local and national , therefore, become into important elements of local development.

Keywords: academic performance, factors, employability, Engineering.


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How to Cite

Navarro Hudiel, S. J., & Blandón Navarro, S. L. (2017). Factors that affect the quality of academic performance of engineering students. Revista Científica Estelí, (24), 126–142. https://doi.org/10.5377/farem.v0i24.5556

