Influence of Narco soap operas on the development of challenging behaviors in adolescents


  • Anhyel Dayana Arróliga Flores UNAN-Managua, FAREM-Estelí
  • Ariely Gesarela Càlix Rivera UNAN-Managua, FAREM-Estelí
  • María Fernanda Gómez Talavera UNAN-Managua, FAREM-Estelí
  • Franklin Solís Zúniga UNAN-Managua, FAREM-Estelí


The influence that narco soup operas have on the young population is a subject that has been scarcely studied, despite its social relevance that encompasses different areas of knowledge, for instance Psychology. This research was carried out with 28 ninth and tenth graders from the Francisco Luis Espinoza National Institute (INFLE) of Estelí, during 2016. The purpose was to determine the influence of narco soup operas in the development of teenagers behaviors. The methodological approach was mixed with qualitative prevalence. The techniques used to obtain the information were: interviews, ESPERI Questionnaire, surveys, socio-drama, observation guide and free listing technique. The main findings revealed that narco soup operas with predominant violent contents attract the attention of adolescents, thus influencing the adoption of behaviors characteristic of the actors. Likewise, it is evident that teenagers who watch this type of soup operas for periods between three and five years, present challenging behaviors. From the results obtained in the study and in order to influence the approach of this issue with adolescents, an intervention handdbook was made. This handbook aims to manage challenging behaviors in adolescents directed to Psychologists and School Counselors, as a proposal for the school.

Keywords: Narco Soap Operas, Challenging Behaviors, Adolescents, Influence.


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How to Cite

Arróliga Flores, A. D., Càlix Rivera, A. G., Gómez Talavera, M. F., & Solís Zúniga, F. (2017). Influence of Narco soap operas on the development of challenging behaviors in adolescents. Revista Científica Estelí, (22), 50–60. Retrieved from




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