Inventory of the arboreal and avifaunal diversity of the inland watersheds Jocote Pando and Las Palmitas, Hydrographic unit river Estelí, Nicaragua, Central America


  • Josué Tomás Urrutia Rodríguez UNAN-Managua, FAREM-Estelí
  • Odilí Vanessa Laguna UNAN-Managua, FAREM-Estelí
  • Yineska del Carmen Aguirre Hernández UNAN-Managua, FAREM-Estelí
  • Leonel Aarón Vílchez Ponce UNAN-Managua, FAREM-Estelí


This study was carried out in the inland watersheds Jocote Pando and Las Palmitas of the hydrological unit River Estelí, community El Limón, Estelí, Nicaragua. The purpose was to evaluate the composition of the arboreal and avifaunal species of these inland watersheds. For this study, three representative ecosystems were selected: Tropical dry forest, gallery forest or riparian forest and silvopastoral systems, with three plots of one hectare each one. A sampling was implemented, individuals were counted by species, woody and birds. The abundance, affluence and diversity were identified and compared for each species. The results show that there were 54 arboreal species and 87 avifaunal species. The greatest abundance was found in the silvopastoral system and gallery forest. The affluence shows significant differences for arboreal species and birds in gallery forest and silvopastoral system. The diversity of arboreal and birds was greatest in the gallery forest, regarding the ecosystems already studied. The inventory indicated that the greatest affluence of arboreal species and birds was found in the gallery or riparian forest probably because they are ecosystems that provide water and feeding to the species.

Keywords: Arboreal and avifaunal composition, inland watersheds, hydrographic unit, gallery forest.


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How to Cite

Urrutia Rodríguez, J. T., Laguna, O. V., Aguirre Hernández, Y. del C., & Vílchez Ponce, L. A. (2017). Inventory of the arboreal and avifaunal diversity of the inland watersheds Jocote Pando and Las Palmitas, Hydrographic unit river Estelí, Nicaragua, Central America. Revista Científica Estelí, (22), 31–38. Retrieved from




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