Evaluation of the quality of intra-municipal collective urban transport service by users of the city of Estelí, year 2016


  • Aleyda Lourdes Benavidez Vásquez UNAN-Managua/FAREM-Estelí
  • Josué Enmanuel Mendoza Castillo UNAN-Managua/FAREM-Estelí
  • Lesther Agustín Zelaya López UNAN-Managua/FAREM-Estelí


This study evaluates the quality of intramunicipal urban public transport in the city of Estelí to the satisfaction of users in 2016. The service is deficient for users based on the physical quality of the units (open doors, unhygienic, damaged seats) and the quality of care users (excess passengers, inadequate treatment, insecurity and violence). This research is quantitative type with a universe of study of 379 transport users, 31 drivers and 58 assistants. For this investigation we use surveys, interview and observation guides as assessment tools. The hypothesis of the research was based on the poor service quality of urban public transport, its most frequent absences such as little or no supervision by the authorities. It is suggested that improvement strategies as a more modern method of collection is implemented, for example electronic billing, in addition to improving the conditions of bus stops and also improvements esthetic service, the main results obtained from this study is that despite the glaring deficiencies of the service there is a high margin of acceptance by users in terms of service quality, as compared to the service of other cities, Estelí has one of the best.

Keywords: Transport, quality, urban, intramunicipal, Estelí.


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How to Cite

Benavidez Vásquez, A. L., Mendoza Castillo, J. E., & Zelaya López, L. A. (2017). Evaluation of the quality of intra-municipal collective urban transport service by users of the city of Estelí, year 2016. Revista Científica Estelí, (21), 28–39. Retrieved from https://revistas.unan.edu.ni/index.php/Cientifica/article/view/2868

