Simulation as a didactic strategy to develop understanding in the subject History. Didactic intervention carried out in Secondary Education


  • Julio César Orozco Alvarado UNAN-Managua
  • Adolfo Aejandro Díaz Pérez UNAN-Managua


The present research is a socio-educational innovation that was carried out in the Public School Esquipulas of Managua, was realized with the purpose of applying innovative didactic strategies to generate understanding in the discipline History, so that the teachers reverse the apathy and Rejection that the students have about the teaching-learning of history, considering it traditionalist, tedious and not very motivating. The pedagogical innovation was made through a didactic intervention based on the action research, and which counted on ten class sessions, in which the students expressed their understandings through the verbalization of the knowledge, active participation and answered in a correct way the Different evaluations applied during the didactic intervention process. The objective of the present investigation was achieved among others, with the accomplishment of the simulation of the content Fight of Sandino.

Keywords: Didactic strategies, understanding, pedagogical innovation.


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How to Cite

Orozco Alvarado, J. C., & Díaz Pérez, A. A. (2017). Simulation as a didactic strategy to develop understanding in the subject History. Didactic intervention carried out in Secondary Education. Revista Científica Estelí, (21), 4–13. Retrieved from




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