Hygiene and labor safety of the workers of the trash dump of Estelí, in the second semester of 2015


  • Félix Sergio Talavera Rodríguez UNAN-Managua/FAREM-Estelí
  • Beverly Castillo Herrera UNAN-Maangua/FAREM-Estelí


The present study conducted an evaluation about hygiene and labor safety of the workers of the municipal trash dump of Estelí, in the second semester of 2015. This is a mix methods research (both quantitative and qualitative), as it deeply addresses the hygiene and safety of the workers of the municipal trash dump of Estelí. The universe of the study consisted of the Municipality of Estelí. The data collection instruments were interview and survey. The interview was administered to Carlos Pino Corrales, Director of the Municipal services, and to Lelia Isabel Perez, Director of Collection and Treatment of waste disposal. Interviews were also administered to security guards and land fillers. The main research results reveal that current situation related to hygiene and safety of the workers of the municipal trash dump.

Keywords: Hygiene, safety.


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Author Biography

Beverly Castillo Herrera, UNAN-Maangua/FAREM-Estelí

Doctora en Ciencias Sociales por la Universidad del Zulia. Maestría en Ciencias Sociales por la Universidad de Guadalajara. Docente titular de la UNAN-Managua, FAREM-Estelí.



How to Cite

Talavera Rodríguez, F. S., & Castillo Herrera, B. (2016). Hygiene and labor safety of the workers of the trash dump of Estelí, in the second semester of 2015. Revista Científica Estelí, (18), 85–93. Retrieved from https://revistas.unan.edu.ni/index.php/Cientifica/article/view/2907




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