Marketing of the banking services in the competitive environment of the branches of BANPRO and BDF in Estelí, 2014-2015


  • Orlando Zeledón Zeledón Soprte


This research analyzes the market of the banking services in the competitive environment of the branches of BANPRO and BDF, in Estelí, during the period of 2014-2015. For this purpose, it was taken into account that the financial intermediation is important to determine the level of competitiveness of the banking market. At the same time, the services offered by such branches were compared, in order to determine which bank offers best products and services that contribute to a better attention to the society. Finally, strategies aimed to the improvement of the competitive position of the banks were proposed. The main results reveal that the financial intermediation contributes to the competitive empowerment of the banks in the market. Even though the services offered by the branches are diversified, they must design new products due to the bancarization of the financial sector. Likewise, the establishment of new strategies to compete in a healthy way in the banking market was proposed.

Keywords: Financial intermediation, banking services, competitive strategies.


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How to Cite

Zeledón Zeledón, O. (2016). Marketing of the banking services in the competitive environment of the branches of BANPRO and BDF in Estelí, 2014-2015. Revista Científica Estelí, (18), 64–73. Retrieved from

