KPTS computer application ( Kruskal , Prim , Tabu Search)


  • Julia Argentina Granera
  • Victor Manuel Valdivia
  • Maria Elena Blandón Dávila


This article describes the application of a software tool based on graph theory to analyze and solve problems of the shortest routes, using the algorithms of Prim, Kruskal and Tabu. For the development of this application the following elements were used: Visual Studio 2010, GraphSharp and QuickGraph. TO create this tool, a class structure that would support the graphics was established:1) PocGraph : represents the graph ; 2) PocEdge: represents the edges of the graph ; and 3 ) PocVertex : represents the nodes or vertices of the graph. The Prim algorithm worked with the aim of finding the shortest spanning tree; while Kruskal’s algorithm , in order to find the minimal tree from TSP instances . Tabu Search method is applied to find the minimum closed road connecting all the vertices or nodes. The Tabu Search algorithm was designed to minimize the routes from an initial solution which is modified to obtain the result.

Keywords: Prim algorithm, Kruskal algorithm, Tabu Search Algorithm, Computer tool.


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How to Cite

Granera, J. A., Valdivia, V. M., & Blandón Dávila, M. E. (2016). KPTS computer application ( Kruskal , Prim , Tabu Search). Revista Científica Estelí, (17), 81–90. Retrieved from

