Managua, Salsa City and Night of Stones

Two contiguous texts of the Central American Postmodern Narrative


  • Iván Uriarte Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería


La cité, the appointment, die Stadt, the city, has been, since its inception, since the first strokes of Vitrubio, the exploratory root of the novel, whether it be Petronio, Restif de la Bretonne or Sebastien Mercier, voltaic arc that already introduces us to the city as such prelude Los Eugene Sue's mysteries of Paris, La Fille au yeux dor de Balzac, one of the most extraordinary texts that I have read about the awakening of a city, a city with doors, as was the Paris that the great novelist still manages to incorporate The Human Comedy. Vast and passionate Theme: the heart of the novel itself. That city that the exiled Constantinos Petros Cavafis he had sung with sentimental and unredeemable nostalgia, and that Henry



How to Cite

Uriarte, I. (2017). Managua, Salsa City and Night of Stones: Two contiguous texts of the Central American Postmodern Narrative. Revista Lengua Y Literatura, 3(1), 25–29. Retrieved from


