Functions of the general practitioner graduated in Nicaragua and its correspondence with the 2013 Study Plan, UNAN-Managua


  • Margarita Pérez López Facultad de Ciencias Médicas, UNAN Managua


In 2020, UNAN-Managua through Undergraduate Directorate designed an online survey, the objective of which was to “Identify the functions or tasks performed by the general practitioner in the various jobs”, which was applied by the Faculty of Medical Sciences and answered by 662 general practitioners graduated from public and private universities in the country.

The results showed that the majority of general practitioners work in the country's Pacific (one third in the capital); half work in the Ministry of Health and the rest in the private sector, these being work areas contemplated in the Study Plan - 2013 of the UNAN - Managua. The functions or tasks referred to, in order of frequency, were: Assistance, Management, Public Health and Research; these being current and essential for the profession, being in correspondence with the UNAN Managua Study Plan 2013. Regardless of the workplace (public or private), the care function is performed by the majority of general practitioners and the least performed is Research. In public institutions, the second function or task identified was related to Public Health, followed by Management, the reverse situation happens in private institutions.

Although the aforementioned functions or tasks are contemplated in the 2013 Study Plan of UNAN Managua, it is necessary to identify strategies that provide the necessary tools for the general practitioner to consolidate their knowledge, abilities and skills, particularly in the areas of management and research.

 Keywords: functions of the general practitioner, study plan, professional profile



How to Cite

Pérez López, M. . (2022). Functions of the general practitioner graduated in Nicaragua and its correspondence with the 2013 Study Plan, UNAN-Managua. Revista Ciencias De La Salud Y Educación Médica , 3(4), 33–39. Retrieved from



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