Multiple metachronous neoplasms in a patient with resistant opportunistic infections.


  • María Belén Ríos Herrera Hospital Bautista, Managua Nicaragua


Multiple Primary Cancers (MPCs) have increased as life expectancy and risk factors for cancer development increase in the population. MPCs can be synchronous or metachronous and are considered as such those in which each tumor is malignant and histologically different, and metastases are excluded. The presence of multiple resistant polymicrobial infections led to the suspicion of the presence of immunocompromise without an apparent cause in a patient who, one year before this condition, was successfully treated for early-stage breast cancer. Despite the timely initiation of antibacterial treatment, antifungal and antifimic, the patient maintained severe neutropenia requiring bone marrow aspirate (AMO) which revealed the presence of infiltration by lymphoblasts in relation to L1 acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

Key Word: leukemia, breast cancer, opportunistic infections



How to Cite

Ríos Herrera, M. B. (2024). Multiple metachronous neoplasms in a patient with resistant opportunistic infections. Revista Ciencias De La Salud Y Educación Médica , 4(5), 22–29. Retrieved from



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