FRASER syndrome: first case reported in Nicaragua


  • Gerardo Mejía-Baltodano Departamento de Genética Ministerio de Salud, Nicaragua
  • Alba Nubia Montenegro Hospital Alfonso Moncada, Ocotal Nueva Segovia, Nicaragua
  • María Lisseth Vallejos Servicio de Neonatología, Hospital Infantil “Manuel de Jesús Rivera”, Managua, Nicaragua
  • Alejandra Jirón Servicio de Neonatología, Hospital Bertha Calderón, Managua, Nicaragua
  • Nubia Talavera Servicio de Neonatologia, Hospital Gaspar García Laviana, Rivas, Nicaragua
  • Violeta Alemán Departamento de Cirugía, Hospital Infantil “Manuel de Jesús Rivera”, Managua, Nicaragua


Fraser síndrome is a genetic syndrome with autosomal recessive inheritance. It present with many congenital anomalies, but predominantly includes the presence of uni or bilateral cryptophthalmos, cutaneous syndactyly and genitourinary anomalies. A number of abnormalities in other organs and systems have been reported. We present a patient with a clinical diagnosis of Fraser syndrome with many congenital anomalies, including some that have been reported very rarely in the international literature, it is also the first case of Fraser syndrome reported in Nicaragua.

Key words: Fraser syndrome, Cryptophthalmos, persistent cloaca



How to Cite

Mejía-Baltodano, G., Montenegro, A. N., Vallejos, M. L., Jirón , A., Talavera, N., & Alemán, V. (2024). FRASER syndrome: first case reported in Nicaragua. Revista Ciencias De La Salud Y Educación Médica , 5(7), 9–12. Retrieved from



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