Knowledge, attitudes and practices about contraceptive Methods in adolescents.


  • Melkin López Álvarez Unidad Clínica Médica, UNAN-Managua


The sexual and reproductive health of adolescence marks a very important concept in the subsequent development of the human being, and having a healthy life depends greatly on it, achieving stability in your life, your family and society itself. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the level of knowledge, attitudes and practices about contraceptive methods in adolescents from first to fifth year of the Ladislao Chwalbinsky Public Institute of the municipality of Altagracia-Rivas, period 2020 -2021.  The research was descriptive, cross-sectional, observational, CAP type, with a quantitative approach, the sampling was probabilistic for convenience corresponding to 264 high school adolescents. The instruments were a survey and interview guide for key actors. The majority of the adolescents were between 15 and 19 years old, female, Catholic, and from an urban area. Knowledge about contraceptive methods was regular; adolescents indicated having received information about contraceptive methods in schools from their teachers, through educational talks. The attitude level is unfavorable. Regarding practice, it was determined that the majority have not yet started an active sexual life and the adolescents who started their active sexual life in a small proportion, use condoms as a contraceptive method, they obtain contraceptive methods in pharmacies.

We can conclude by saying that the level of knowledge about MACs by adolescents is regular, they have an unfavorable attitude towards MACs and they have a regular practice in using contraceptives.

Key Words: Contraception, Pregnancy in adolescence, Sex education



How to Cite

López Álvarez, M. (2024). Knowledge, attitudes and practices about contraceptive Methods in adolescents. Revista Ciencias De La Salud Y Educación Médica , 5(8), 2–7. Retrieved from



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