Hydrogeological characterization in the urban area of Santo Domingo, Chontales, Nicaragua.


  • Greicy Daniela Aldana González Instituto de Geología y Geofísica (IGG- CIGEO), Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua (UNAN-Managua).
  • Lener José Sequeira Gómez Instituto de Geología y Geofísica (IGG- CIGEO), Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua (UNAN-Managua).


Cuenca, Río Artiguas, aguas superficiales, aguas subterráneas, estructuras geológicas


The present investigation was developed within the framework of a hydrogeological characterization in the city of Santo Domingo and its surroundings,
located in the upper basin of the Artiguas River, using hydrogeological and
climatic information techniques; carrying out an inventory of water sources,
sampling of surface and groundwater for quality analysis through
physical-chemical measurements in the field and in the laboratory, determination of heavy metals, metalloids and bacteriological samples of water
collected in different points of the basin , establishing the correlation with the
geological environment in order to analyze the interrelation of ground and
surface water flows through geological structures such as contacts between
formations, faults and fractures.
In this sense, it has been determined that the water circulating in the basin
under consideration is channeled both by surface drainage systems and by
ancient underground mining structures, built since 1870 for mineral extraction. Faults and fractures in the area facilitate the circulation of groundwater
in appreciable quantities. Therefore, this research generates information that
allows to evaluate the current situation to prevent eventual impacts that may
have a negative impact on the water resource and therefore on the water
supply system to the population.
The infiltration tests allowed to determine the infiltration capacity of the soils
to evaluate the recharge to the aquifers of the area. The capacity tests were
developed to determine the amount of water circulating in the basin and with
the chemical analyzes the quality of the water in the area was determined, it
was also determined the non-hydraulic connection of surface water - groundwater through the clayey sequence surface about 50 meters thick.



How to Cite

Aldana González , G. D., & Sequeira Gómez, L. J. (2021). Hydrogeological characterization in the urban area of Santo Domingo, Chontales, Nicaragua. Revista Tierra, 1(1), 6–14. Retrieved from https://revistas.unan.edu.ni/index.php/Tierra/article/view/3883


