Incidence of Climate Change on corn and beans, community of San Diego, Condega, Estelí.


  • Ana María D'trinidad Almanza Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua (UNAN-Managua), Rotonda Universitaria Rigoberto López Pérez, 200 mts al Este.


Climate change, Crops, Productive cycles, Temperature, Precipitation


The objective of this article is to explain how climate change affectsthe development of corn and bean crops in the community of San Diego in the municipality of Condega-Estelí in 2020. The research has a mixed approach, it is retrospective and transversal, we worked with a sample of 55 producers, the main techniques were the survey and the participatory workshop. The optimal temperature requirements for corn cultivation are between 19 °C to 24 °C and for bean cultivation between 15 °C to 27 °C and the temperature behavior in the community ranges between 28 °C to 35°C; and with respect to precipitation, between 500 to 800 mm of rain are needed for the cultivation of corn and 300 to 500 mm for beans and the records in 2020 were 338 mm in the firstrainy subperiod and 459.8 mm in the second. second subperiod, classifying both periods as irregular because they were recorded below the historical norm for the San Diego area. The data show that the behavior of temperature and precipitation are outside the parameter required by both the corn and bean plants, which affectsthe differentstages of development of each crop. The low performance of precipitation is one of the phenomena that has generated the most losses to the agricultural sector in the community of San Diego.



How to Cite

D'trinidad Almanza, A. M. (2023). Incidence of Climate Change on corn and beans, community of San Diego, Condega, Estelí. Revista Tierra, 3(1), 10–14. Retrieved from


