Work performance analysis of university graduates from their own perspective. Studies in Hispanic Language and Literature of the Faculty of Education and Languages of UNAN-Managua


  • Rocío Cruz-Díaz Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Sevilla. Faculty of Social Sciences
  • Nora Cuadra Baquedano UNAN-MANAGUA


In this paper, the authors present the research evidence interested in institutional assessment obtained from a section of the study entitled: performance and work satisfaction of graduates from the program of Hispanic language and literature of the Faculty of Education and Languages at Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Nicaragua, Managua from 2009-2013. The object of the study, at a general level, is to address the assessment and analysis that graduates and employers are showing on three major factors: satisfaction, work performance and professional profile of graduates. In this study, since it is one of the most important components of the research, it will offer the results referred to the work performance of the population in study. The sample consist of 174 graduates who were applied a questionnaire designed in Likert scale, using exclusive, nominal categories and items of scale, where they are asked to value your satisfaction regarding their training and work, their work performance and the essential features of their professional profile. The instrument was self-administered and both responded via e-mail as well as in a direct way. According to the results obtained in the analysis of statistical data through the program SPSS V21, avery high percentage (90%) of the graduates surveyed is used in the area for which they were formed (teaching in different levels of education), graduates value their work performance in a positive way, however they also considered that certain skills that enable them to better perform at their profession should be strengthened.


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How to Cite

Cruz-Díaz, R., & Cuadra Baquedano, N. (2017). Work performance analysis of university graduates from their own perspective. Studies in Hispanic Language and Literature of the Faculty of Education and Languages of UNAN-Managua. Revista Torreón Universitario, 6(15), 59–74. Retrieved from

