Use of multimedia digital tools in the teaching-learning of Human Embryology subject in students of the Medicine Career of UNAN-Managua


  • Moisés Acevedo Flores UNAN-MANAGUA, Faculty of Medical Sciences


The use of technology in education is of constant discussion with many results, whether of much or of little success according to varied conditions. With the purpose of evaluating the results of the use of multimedia digital tools in the learning of Human Embryology, an observational, descriptive, prospective, transversal, analytical study with a mixed philosophical approach was carried out. Held with 75 students of the second year of Medicine of UNAN-Managua, during the first semester of 2016.

There was no statistical significance between three modalities of study; the first one was made without the use of multimedia tools; and the two others using aids with and without supervision respectively. The most used and accepted tool was short videos. Not all students have equipment to play digital files, the cell phone was the most common device, and there was no statistical significance between the types of electronic devices used by the students and the results of the final grades. The use of qualitative instruments allowed to formulate an action plan to optimize the use of digital tools in the Human Embryology subject.


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How to Cite

Acevedo Flores, M. (2017). Use of multimedia digital tools in the teaching-learning of Human Embryology subject in students of the Medicine Career of UNAN-Managua. Revista Torreón Universitario, 5(14), 46–52. Retrieved from

