Evaluation of periodontal disease as a risk factor for preterm birth and low birth weight in pregnant women attending the Gineco-obstetrics service of the Amistad Mexico-Nicaragua Hospital in the municipality of Ticuantepe


  • Rubén Alexander Martínez González UNAN-MANAGUA, Faculty of Medical Sciences


Preterm birth (PP) and low birth weight (LBW) is a serious problem in developed and developing countries, as it causes 35% of neonatal deaths and is the second cause of death only surpassed by The Pneumonia. In Nicaragua, it is estimated that for the year 1990 to 2010, the preterm birth rate was 9.3% for every 100 live births. This phenomenon has been linked to several infectious processes that could cause an inflammatory response in the amniotic fluid and cause PP and LBW; Of these infections, Periodontal Disease (PD) is not exempt. The objective of this study is to evaluate periodontitis as a risk factor for causing preterm birth and low birth weight. For the study, 29 pregnant women were examined, who were classified into four experimental groups according to type of PD. Two clinical examinations were performed; The first one was prior to dental treatment and the second examination, after treatment and before the 35th gestational week.

The results show that, 89.7% of the patients presented moderate periodontitis and 10.3% had mild periodontitis. 27.6% had PP and 20.7% had LBW. There was no statistically significant relationship between PD and periodontitis on PP (p = 0.24) or LBW (p = 0.81). These results indicate that periodontal disease is not a causal or risk factor for PP and LBW in pregnant women attending the Amistad México-Nicaragua hospital.


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How to Cite

Martínez González, R. A. (2017). Evaluation of periodontal disease as a risk factor for preterm birth and low birth weight in pregnant women attending the Gineco-obstetrics service of the Amistad Mexico-Nicaragua Hospital in the municipality of Ticuantepe. Revista Torreón Universitario, 5(14), 28–36. Retrieved from https://revistas.unan.edu.ni/index.php/Torreon/article/view/3301

