Didactic strategies used in the Master Lecturers and subgroups classes and their impact on the academic performance of the students of the subject Introduction to Physics, given by teachers of the Department of Physics


  • Kelvin Francisco Zeledón Meza UNAN-MANAGUA; Facultad de Educación e Idiomas, Departamento de Física


A study was conducted on the basis of the results from two reports about the evaluation of master lectures led by the Direction Academic[1] of UNAN – Managua in 2011, where it was reflected: the lack of coordination between subgroup teachers and teachers who taught the master lectures, and students’ non-attendance. Based on the above issues and being the course of Introduction to Physical not included in the first evaluation, it arises the necessity to make a detailed analysis in order to know the behavior of development of Master Lectures and subgroup lessons to get the necessary inputs that allow improving the approach of the same ones.

It is a descriptive, analytical and correlational research, according the time of occurrence of the facts and registration of data the study is prospective and related to the study is transversal. There were interviewed one hundred eighty nine students from the first years of careers such as Geography, Anthropologic Social, Communication to the development, physiotherapy and Optometric Medical, who attended to the Master Lecture IF1-02, likewise observations were made on the development of the master conferences, interviews with teachers and students and focus groups. It was founded that the teachers who taught the Masters Lecture used a traditional methodology; the subgroup lessons were more participative. Another important aspect to mention is that the students from the careers who attended less to the master lectures got the best scores at the end the courses; it was obtained an intrinsic relation between the factors of teacher and performance.

[1] From the year 2015 changed to Teaching Direction of Degree  


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How to Cite

Zeledón Meza, K. F. (2017). Didactic strategies used in the Master Lecturers and subgroups classes and their impact on the academic performance of the students of the subject Introduction to Physics, given by teachers of the Department of Physics. Revista Torreón Universitario, 5(14), 6–17. Retrieved from https://revistas.unan.edu.ni/index.php/Torreon/article/view/3303

