Contribution of ICTs in the integral learning of English, in the students of English from UNAN-Managua


  • Jaime Roberto Alemán Quintanilla UNAN-MANAGUA


In order to analyze the contribution of technological media, ICT, in integrated English learning in college students majoring the career in Education Sciences, majoring in English, at UNAN-Managua; a descriptive, correlational and analytical study was conducted with a group of seven professors and a universe of 360 students from UNAN-Managua. From the data collected (from a sample of 190 students), the corresponding data base was designed. Once the quality control of the data recorded was made, the relevant statistical analyzes were performed.

According to the variables (quantitative or qualitative) and guided by the commitment defined in each of the specific objectives; descriptive analyzes corresponding to the nominal and numerical variables, among them were made: (a) The frequency analysis, (b) descriptive statistics according to each case. In addition, some graphics were performed, such as: (a) bars univariate manner for categorical variables in the same Cartesian plane, (b) bars univariate manner for dichotomous variables, that allow describe the response of multiple factors in the same Cartesian plane.

Based on the analysis and discussion of the results, the following conclusions were reached: The female sex was the most prevalent with 57.22%; the most common ages were between 18 and 23 years old. Technological means of increased use were: the recorder with 80% and the projector with 69%; and the ones which were lower in use were the tablet with a 5% and the TV with 9%.Analyzes relevant contingency were made, (Crosstab analysis), for all those nonparametric variables, which may be applied to them test nonparametric Spearman correlation (Spearman's Rho) and Tau C Kendall, these tests are about a variant of Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient, which allow showing the lineal correlation between variables categories, by comparing the random probability of occurrence, and the significance level pre-set for the test between the two factors, so that when p ≤ 0.05 will be rejecting the null hypothesis of ρ = 0.


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How to Cite

Alemán Quintanilla, J. R. (2016). Contribution of ICTs in the integral learning of English, in the students of English from UNAN-Managua. Revista Torreón Universitario, 5(13), 46–52. Retrieved from

