Perception of Food Security in homes of San Ramón municipality, Matagalpa 2014-2015


  • Carmen María Flores Machado UNAN- MANAGUA, FAREM- MATAGALPA


This study has the importance of knowing the assets that the communities of San Ramón have at their disposal to satisfy their basic needs of food from the perception of food security that allow them to reach their nutritional well-being. The municipality of San Ramón is characterized with an incidence of poverty and prevalence of nutritional vulnerability. The research has a holistic perspective on which is based the proposal of sustainability linked to the action of man in relation to his environment. The present is a descriptive and observational study, with a mixed approach, that is, qualitative-quantitative. The simple consisted of 301 households surveyed from the communities of Monte Cristo, Los Limones, Mil Bosque, El Horno I, Yucul Central, San Ramón, El Plomo, Mata Palo, La Garita, Siares el Toro, Siares La Virgen, El Naranjo, Trentino Obrero, San Pablo, Sabana Grande, Wabule, El Jicaro II, Azancor I, Esquirin and the urban center of La Cruz and Álvaro Castillo. The prevalence of food insecurity in the household visited in the urban and rural area of San Ramón is 89% and 19% have food security. 69% have male heads of household and 31% female, consisting of extended family with nephews, grandparents and brothers-in-law. In general there is food insecurity in the homes where there are children and young people, where the concern for food is observed in the quality and quantity of food and but also in the suffering of hunger.


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How to Cite

Flores Machado, C. M. (2016). Perception of Food Security in homes of San Ramón municipality, Matagalpa 2014-2015. Revista Torreón Universitario, 5(13), 21–28. Retrieved from

