Current Situation of Sovereignty and Food and Nutrition Security in eleven communities in the municipality of El Sauce, Province of León, Nicaragua in the period 2015-2016


  • Lic. Norland Quezada Palacios UNAN-MANAGUA


This research project unveils results of fieldwork and its main functions were directed to institutional strengthening to promote a governance process of Sovereignty, Food Security and Nutrition locally. The communities assigned were Los Panales (Nueva Esperanza hamlets, Nueva España), Los Loros (all the hamlets), Santa Bárbara, (Agua Fría hamlets), Guacucal (Santa Lucía hamlets), Sálales (Lasla and las Cigarreras hamlets), San Antonio Valley (El Tempisque hamlets), Los Altos de Ocotal (Buena Vista hamlets, Guayabo, Las Minitas and Cerro Colorado); all hamlets of Las Mercedes, Sábana Grande, Los Tololos and San Ramón in most of the villages of La Palma, St. Lucia, and partial monitoring was provided in partial communities in the municipality of El Sauce, department of León.

The main research results were based on the axis of "Inter-institutional coordination when implement a mechanism that helps reduce malnutrition and build Sovereignty, Food Security and Nutrition at a local level in eleven communities in the municipality of El Sauce", these were:

  • Strengthening of municipal governance in Sovereignty, Food Security and Nutrition as a result of inter-institutional actions promoted at a local level.
  • Institutional strengthening on the use of basic tools and management mechanisms at the local level towards Sovereignty, Food Security and Nutrition.
  • Accompanying of the processes executed on the welfare of families, their life quality and sustainable human development.


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How to Cite

Quezada Palacios, L. N. (2016). Current Situation of Sovereignty and Food and Nutrition Security in eleven communities in the municipality of El Sauce, Province of León, Nicaragua in the period 2015-2016. Revista Torreón Universitario, 5(12), 37–43. Retrieved from

