The use of dramatization as a cooperative teaching-learning strategy


  • MSc. Raúl Alberto Medrano Chávez UNAN-MANAGUA, FAREM-CARAZO


The universities have undergone a remarkable transformation in recent decades. It should be noted, in particular, the quantitative increase in scientific and technological research, as well as its important qualitative improvement in terms of rigor, innovation and connection with lines and international research programs frontline. Nevertheless, there are still important issues concerning the didactic training of teachers, educational innovation in university classrooms, performance and motivation of the student body, the connection of research with social needs, among others.

In higher education new challenges are proposed towards individuals critical and reflective preparation to cope successfully achieve changes. It is necessary, therefore, to make changes in schools teaching strategies.


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How to Cite

Medrano Chávez, M. R. A. (2016). The use of dramatization as a cooperative teaching-learning strategy. Revista Torreón Universitario, 5(12), 25–36. Retrieved from

