Learning styles as an essential axis to build a constructivist and innovative model in the evaluation of learning in the Regional Multidisciplinary Faculty of Carazo


  • MSc. Xiomara Valverde Hernández UNAN-MANAGUA, FAREM.CARAZO


The present essay analyzes the educational model of UNAN-Managua to determine if learning styles as an essential axis, construct a constructivist and innovative model in the teaching-learning process as well as in evaluation.

Although it is true that the UNAN-Managua Academic Vice-rectory gave a workshop on evaluation strategies in 2013, which have a nuance of innovators, there has been no accompaniment to teachers from the Methodological Unit that Exists in the Regional Multidisciplinary Faculty of Carazo (FAREM-Carazo) nor the Career Coordinators have given the necessary accompaniment to each teacher from the technical-scientific perspective in terms of the practice of evaluation strategies applied to students taking into account The learning styles of the students.


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How to Cite

Valverde Hernández, M. X. (2016). Learning styles as an essential axis to build a constructivist and innovative model in the evaluation of learning in the Regional Multidisciplinary Faculty of Carazo. Revista Torreón Universitario, 5(12), 12–16. Retrieved from https://revistas.unan.edu.ni/index.php/Torreon/article/view/3316

