Educational Models. Triad for Successful Learning of Social Sciences


  • Julio Orozco Alvarado UNAN-MANAGUA


This article stems from the perceived need and given expressions of teachers who participated in an investigation of the performance of teachers in the area of social sciences in secondary education. The research was conducted through case studies in six secondary schools in Managua. Concluding that teachers need to appropriate of a didactic teaching model that permits them facilitate dynamic, motivating, and meaningful teaching and learning processes.

This proposal is based on the fact that no model is better than other, which is why the eclectic application of the academicist, cognitive, and sociocritic model. These three models or paradigmatic approaches are developed with the intention that the teacher appropriates them and implement them in his/her classrooms.


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How to Cite

Orozco Alvarado, J. (2015). Educational Models. Triad for Successful Learning of Social Sciences. Revista Torreón Universitario, 4(11), 6–15. Retrieved from




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