Valuation of the Professors Technological Competencies of UNAN-MANAGUA, Case: FAREM-CARAZO


  • Concepción de María Mendieta Baltodano UNAN-MANAGUA, FAREM-CARAZO


In the current society, the technologies of information and communication, TIC, revolve around all the processes of information and communication, distinguishing the telematics and communicative processes. This is so, until the society of this century turns out to be called “the information society”, “Web generation”, “generation I”, (of internet and/or information), and including the WhatsApp generation. Also in words of professor Manuel Castell (2001): society in net, or, the information era; as Echaverrìa (2000) points out, the new technologies light a new social space; the third environment, which clearly differs from the natural and urban ones.

This study takes as one of its principles, the proposals already indicated by UNESCO related to the project “standards of TIC competencies for teachers”, ECD-TIC (as in Spanish), when noting that “teachers need to be prepared to empower students with the advantages given by TIC. Schools and classroom, face-to-face or virtual ones should count with teachers who have the competencies and resources of TIC and being able teach efficienly the correspondent subjects, including at the same time in their teaching, concepts and abilities of them” (UNESCO, 2008:p.6).

In this sense, we focus our context of doing on detecting the formative TIC needs that teachers have in FAREM-Carazo. So based on that, design and implement a virtual space for the didactic use of applications of the Web 2.0.


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How to Cite

Mendieta Baltodano, C. de M. (2015). Valuation of the Professors Technological Competencies of UNAN-MANAGUA, Case: FAREM-CARAZO. Revista Torreón Universitario, 4(10), 5–10. Retrieved from




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