The Collaborative Learning in the Science Laboratory: A meaningful Didactic Strategy


  • Juanita del Socorro Rodríguez Lara UNAN-MANAGUA, FAREM-CARAZO


In the new educational model of curricular transformation at UNAN-MANAGUA, it is suggested the development of activities which promotes a meaningful learning. To achieve a number of strategies that teachers can develop together with the students, so that the student is the actor of his own learning and the teacher only a facilitator.

As part of this Curricular Transformation in Facultad Regional Multidisciplinaria, Carazo from 2012 it started implementing these teaching strategies that has allowed teachers to enter this new educational model. Among these strategies is implementing collaborative learning in the course Introduction to Chemistry as support for a more significant development, this is done through laboratory practices guides for the activity.


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DÍAZ-BARRIGA, A. F. Y HERNÁNDEZ, R.G. (2004) Estrategias docentes para un aprendizaje significativo. Una interpretación constructivista. Ed McGraw-Hill. México.

ESTÉVEZ, H.E. (2002) Enseñar a aprender. Estrategias Cognitivas. Editorial Paidós editores. México.

UNAN-MANAGUA, D. A. (2 de Septiembre de 2011). Modelo Educativo, Normativa y Metodología para la Planificación Curricular 2011. Managua, Nicaragua.



How to Cite

Rodríguez Lara, J. del S. (2015). The Collaborative Learning in the Science Laboratory: A meaningful Didactic Strategy. Revista Torreón Universitario, 4(9), 34–37. Retrieved from




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