Educational Technology in Teaching Mathematics: A perception from students of FAREM-CHONTALES


  • Jairo José Flores Morales UNAN-MANAGUA, FAREM-CHONTALES
  • Winston Joseph Zamora Díaz UNAN-MANAGUA, FAREM-CHONTALES


This quantitative exploratory research has a number of student perceptions of UNAN MANAGUA, FAREM-CHONTALES, according to the use of Information Technology and Communication (ICT) by teachers who teach subjects of mathematic cohort. The ability of students to use technological tools in their learning is being analyzed. As a sample 75 students participated in this research of various degrees existing in the University. To obtain this information was applied a survey structured with a Cronbach's alpha of 0.709 was used. It is concluded that students liked to teach mathematics with technology tools, and especially teachers in their classrooms should use ICT as a key element of university mathematics update.


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How to Cite

Flores Morales, J. J., & Zamora Díaz, W. J. (2015). Educational Technology in Teaching Mathematics: A perception from students of FAREM-CHONTALES. Revista Torreón Universitario, 4(9), 47–54. Retrieved from




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