Socio-educational intervention with older adults


  • Pilar Moreno-Crespo Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Sevilla (España)


The elderly population has increased at a rapid pace in recent decades and this makes the eyes of a society constantly redone to focus on them. Aging is a reality, as the need to promote active aging that adds to each community and family productive people who contribute to the advancement of society at all levels.

One of the important aspects that influence longevity with quality of life is education. In this paper we treat the onset of socio interventions in older adults and describe one of the programs that are the most successful in recent times, the University Program for Older Adults. Its success lies in generating high motivation in students, teachers and all those involved, as well as performing in promoting active aging.


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How to Cite

Moreno-Crespo, P. (2014). Socio-educational intervention with older adults. Revista Torreón Universitario, 4(6), 77–83. Retrieved from

