Innovation and adaptation in organizational culture: a documentary study
organizational culture, innovation, adaptation, typologies, organizational changeAbstract
A challenge that organizations commonly face is how to survive and continue functioning over time. The answer to this challenge commonly lies in having the ability to innovate and adapt to their environment, processes that are usually influenced by an organizational variable that, among others, has sparked the interest of organizational researchers since the 1980s: organizational culture. The purpose of this paper is to examine how this phenomenon has been related to the innovation and adaptation processes of organizations. For this purpose, a hermeneutic, documentary and descriptive qualitative study was carried out. The results reflect that within organizational studies there is an important relationship between both variables and that, within the typologies of culture that various authors have proposed, elements that promote innovation and adaptation have been considered. It is concluded, among others, that a company seeking to implement profound changes must examine whether its culture is appropriate for it.
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