Lean Six Sigma Implementation and Sustainability: An Investigation into Moroccan Manufacturing Firms
Lean, six sigma, LSS, sustainabilityAbstract
Goal: The purpose of this paper is to explore the implementation level of Lean Six Sigma (LSS) within manufacturing companies in Morocco. It examines the LSS tools used by these industries and their impact on sustainable performance. Design/Methodology/Approach: Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with 20 participants from industrial companies and analyzed using NVivo 10 software. Results: The results indicated that both Lean and Six Sigma approaches are used; however, Lean tools are predominant. The most used LSS tools include 5S, VSM, Ishikawa, standardized work, DMAIC, Kanban, and visual management. Interviewees perceived that effective implementation of LSS tools positively influences sustainable performance, with particular improvements noted in the economic pillar. Limitations of the investigation: The potential for biased responses due to the subjective nature of interviews and the lack of generalizability of findings beyond the specific context of Moroccan manufacturing companieslimitation of the study is the potential for biased responses due to the subjective nature of interviews and the lack of generalizability of findings beyond the specific context of Moroccan manufacturing companies. Practical implications: This study offers practical guidance to manufacturing companies in Morocco, helping them to select appropriate Lean Six Sigma tools, prioritize improvement initiatives, cultivate a culture of continuous improvement, benchmark against industry standards and, ultimately, improve sustainable performance results. Originality / Value: Most studies dedicated to investigating the impact of LSS on sustainability has have been conducted in developed countries. Therefore, the originality of this work is in to trying to exploringe those concepts in a developing country like Morocco.
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