Morphometric parameters of the hydrological unit 69-95259905 Masaya, Nicaragua; as a first stage in the hydrological characterization


  • Norman Josué García García Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua. UNAN-Managua, Nicaragua
  • Nereyda Fabiola Salinas Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua. UNAN-Managua, Nicaragua
  • Lisseth Carolina Blandón Chavarría Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua. UNAN-Managua, Nicaragua



Watershed, morphometric parameters, hydrographic characterization


The morphometric characterization of a watershed is considered one of the first stages prior to a surface and subsurface hydrological study. The present study was carried out in the hydrological unit 69-95259905, which belongs administratively to the municipality of Masaya, Nicaragua. The geomorphological indices used in this work are based on a morphometric analysis: parameters of size-shape, relief and fluvial intensity; which allow through mathematical approximations to know the morphodynamics of the basin and its influence on the hydrological behavior. The calculation of morphometric parameters served to know the physiography of the basin, which are important to analyze the hydrological behavior, related to erosion, sedimentation and water recharge and discharge behavior, in turn to relate the natural variables and their impact on the capacity of the basin to store water, these elements are of great importance in the process of hydrographic characterization of a basin, these works have relevance, since they are the first approaches to recognize a territory and according to its natural resources understand the dynamics of water resources in the territory. (Robleto, 2014)


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How to Cite

García García, N. J., Salinas, N. F., & Blandón Chavarría, L. C. (2021). Morphometric parameters of the hydrological unit 69-95259905 Masaya, Nicaragua; as a first stage in the hydrological characterization. Revista Científica Estelí, (38), 230–244.




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