Action Research as a tool for teacher training: Experience from the social sciences program of the Faculty of Education Sciences of UNAN-Managua, Nicaragua


  • Julio César Orozco Alvarado


The present article derives from a documental research carried out from the Social Sciences program, on the number of graduates per year. Moreover, a project was conducted in which the different researches theses developed from the program were analyzed. The research concluded that the Social Sciences program supports the university’s mission, which is to form integral professionals. This type of research has been conducted, due to the needs identified among students of Nicaraguan secondary schools. Hence, a set of didactic units were designed in order to make an incidence on the quality of the learnings. The research theses reveal that the Applied Research method is an effective tool to train Social Sciences teachers. Furthermore, the program’s graduates that have participated in didactic interventions confirm the effectiveness of this research method.

Key words: Action research/Educational innovation/Didactic intervention.


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How to Cite

Orozco Alvarado, J. C. (2016). Action Research as a tool for teacher training: Experience from the social sciences program of the Faculty of Education Sciences of UNAN-Managua, Nicaragua. Revista Científica Estelí, (19), 5–17. Retrieved from




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