Teaching and learning strategies of Social Sciences


  • Julio Cesar Orozco Alvarado


In this article the impact of teaching strategies in the teaching and learning process of Social Sciences. These social subjects, since many decades are in crisis because the teaching methodologies implemented by teachers in these areas have not been updated. The present period called society of knowledge, where the technology and the media have saturated the current generation and it does not have the learning tools to transform into knowledge all the amount of information that reaches them through various media: radio, television, Internet, newspapers and others. From these issues there has been a concern for specialists of Social Sciences, on what are the most effective methods to improve the quality of learning of students and the teaching strategies that produce a significant learning. In this article the teaching strategies are not considered as a recipe, however, the teacher is encouraged to create, innovate and implement their own teaching strategies, making the classroom a laboratory to test a number of innovative teaching strategies.

Keywords: Teaching Strategies, Innovation, Teaching Social Sciences.


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How to Cite

Orozco Alvarado, J. C. (2016). Teaching and learning strategies of Social Sciences. Revista Científica Estelí, (17), 65–80. Retrieved from https://revistas.unan.edu.ni/index.php/Cientifica/article/view/2918




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