First records of a dorosomatid fish and a metazoan fish parasite in the Masaya lagoon, Nicaragua




Dorosomatidae, Chavez’s sabalete, Red List, Platyhelminthes


Despite their importance as habitats of priority aquatic species for conservation measures, the fauna of volcanic crater lakes in Nicaragua is not fully characterized. To extend the characterization of its aquatic fauna, fish captures were made in the Masaya Lagoon using nets and hooks, in two different periods and in two different sites. Fish tissue analysis of three fish taxa captured was carried out for the identification and quantification of metazoan parasites in the Masaya Lagoon. This scientific paper reports the first record of Chavez’s sabalete, Dorosoma chavesi (Actinopterygii; Dorosomatidae), in the Masaya Lagoon, within the Masaya Volcano National Park, thus extending its natural range to western Nicaragua. The species is registered in the Red List of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) as Near Threatened. In addition, this report presents the first record of the metazoan parasite Ascocotyle tenuicollis (Platyhelminthes; Heterophyidae) in the Masaya Lagoon. The species was found in the heart of Amphilophus cf. citrinellus and Hypsophrys nematopus (both Actinopterygii; Cichlidae). No metazoan parasites were found in the heart, mesentery, or intestinal tract of D. chavesi. It is recommended to implement protection and monitoring measures for species in high conservation status in the Masaya Lagoon.


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How to Cite

McCrary, J. K., & Jiménez-García, M. I. (2024). First records of a dorosomatid fish and a metazoan fish parasite in the Masaya lagoon, Nicaragua. Revista Científica Estelí, 13(49), 161–175.




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