Competitive strategies applied by clothing and footwear companies for their commercial positioning in the city of Estelí, Nicaragua
Competitors, differentiation, strategy, positioning, competitive advantageAbstract
Strategies for market positioning have the purpose of achieving that a company has a clear, competitive and profitable position in relation to its competitors. This research was carried out in the city of Estelí in the period 2022-2024, in clothing and footwear businesses registered in the Municipal Mayor’s Office. The objective of the study was to evaluate the competitive strategies for positioning implemented in this commercial sector. The study was justified by its convenience, theoretical value, practical utility, and social relevance. Methodologically, it is an applied research, non-experimental, and with a mixed approach, since it involves quantitative and qualitative data analysis. The study universe of 250 businesses and 83,461 inhabitants, between 15 and 64 years of age, considered as consumers. The sample included 53 businesses, whose owners were surveyed, interviewed and observed, and 68 consumers were surveyed and interviewed. The main results indicate that many businesses do not clearly define their target market, there are weaknesses in inventory management and control, insufficient knowledge of their competitors, and little strength in the application of virtual and promotional strategies, differentiation, promotional mix and point-of-sale display. Consumers consider that products are offered according to the needs and types of customers, but many do not offer added value to their service, nor unique or novel products, and insufficient advertising and promotions. It is concluded that even when businesses indicate that they have competitive advantages, they do not maximize them as elements of differentiation based almost only on price, quality and type of product, which affects the effectiveness of positioning strategies and customer loyalty, causing that most consumers are indifferent to purchase products in any business because they do not perceive any difference between them.
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