Israeli imperial strategy and humanitarian / food crises in Gaza


  • Edwin N. Montes Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua UNAN-Managua


The Gaza Strip in Palestine has been classified in recent years by the United Nations as one of the areas of greatest humanitarian emergency. Considering the situation of war and economic blockade imposed by the State of Israel on the Palestinian population settled in this territory, it is meritorious to analyze how these situations of crisis and conflict obstruct the power to guarantee an effective food security, violating precepts and principles of International Humanitarian Law, as well as agreements on global development. Although literature about the conflict between Palestine and Israel is broad, few studies Case analysis of the Gaza Strip shows that food security understood as: availability, access, biological use of food and stability, cannot be effectively guaranteed in situations of armed conflict. The bibliographical sources consulted mostly correspond to reports from international cooperation agencies and non governmental organizations who have carried out humanitarian action in this area of the Near East and provide relevant information in the understanding and analysis of Gaza population reality.

Keywords: Humanitarian crisis, food safety, Non-Governmental Organization Development, Gaza Strip, economic blockade.


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Author Biography

Edwin N. Montes, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua UNAN-Managua

Máster Interuniversitario en Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo por la Universidad de Valladolid. Posgrados en Gerencia Social y Políticas Públicas, FLACSO-Chile y en Teoría y Métodos en Estudios Regionales y Locales, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua (UNAN Managua).

Licenciatura en Diplomacia y Ciencias Políticas. Se desempeña como docente-investigador, en el Departamento de Filosofía y Sociología de la UNAN-Managua.


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How to Cite

Montes, E. N. (2017). Israeli imperial strategy and humanitarian / food crises in Gaza. Revista Humanismo Y Cambio Social, 83–92. Retrieved from



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