Foucault´s analytical basis allowed discovered the deep relationship between power and knowledge, subtracting knowledge neutrality. Requires knowledge a power ´s framework for concetions and inversely, being in turn knowledge a product of power. Foucault proposal gives overtones of actions and analysis of singular validity, valid today and future, especially in in the context of politic conditionality, capitalist regulations and its neoliberal positioning which have left, without basis the theoretical alternatives proposal. The ratio power knowledge materialized in the subject, it is clear the weight in the Estate - institution, as matrix of a formative model that also individualized. This does the proposal should be achieving freedom of the Estate model as the individualizing emanating from this, proposing apossible horizon to give another subjectivity. Foucault thought becomes more interesting and useful especially its way of analysing power relations. Provides a theoretical framework-giving track for more comprehensive studies, providing a reference to the various social network that guide hidden control mechanisms after technological modernity of our societies.
Keywords: knowledge, power, capitalist system, subject.
-Michel Foucault. Vigilar y Castigar, nacimiento de la prisión. Ed. Siglo XXI. México. 2000.
-Michel, Foucault. Microfísica del poder. 3ra Edición. Ediciones de La Piqueta. España 1991.