Catarina is a small town located within "Los pueblos blancos", placed around the Apoyo Lagoon. This research aims to identify the tourist potential from the variety of natural and cultural resources posing the territory. There were performed many visits to the town, literatury survey, interviews with community leaders and institutional responsible, and tourist surveys. Catarina is located 6 km. from Masaya, to the northwest sector of the Apoyo Lagoon. Its main attraction is Lagoon´s natural reserve. This reserve consist of the lagoon itself , variety of flora, fauna, high slopes and canopy ideal for ecotourism. The crater lagoon was formed about 23,000 years ago, and its beauty landscape make it a tourist destination for national and foreign that want to get in touch with nature.
Cultural resources is represented by the catholic church´s colonial architecture; besides other artisanal places that manufacturing wood, md, and vegetable fibres. Similarly, there are many gardens, museries and an impressive viewpoint.
Completing tourist potential of the town, infraestructure, restaurants and hotels surrounding the viewpoint and river of lagoon. Tourist activities implemented are hiking, swimming, ecotourism, and adventure.
Keywordos: tourist resources, Natural Reserve, Ecotourism, tourism heritage.
-Alemán Giselle. TURISMO EN NICARAGUA aportes y desafíos
primera parte 2007.
-Inventario de la oferta turística del sector urbano del municipio de Catarina el departamento de Masaya 2008.
-INTUR, Manual de campo, proceso metodológico de la planificación
turística municipal, 2007.