
  • Hazel Rueda Tenorio


This essay lay out a brief analysis about educational role in education and reproduction of valuables. This writes use conflictivista perspective in order to analyse role of education in the study theme. In turn discarded importance and that role of education institutions have as mediators in the dissemination and practices of values in students. At the same time, a reflexion is done over function of family as fundamental unit in life of humans, and role it plays in the education of students. Also major problems facing education are set to face globalization, and impact it has on the formation values. Finally, this paper highlights some of the educational policies implemented for the educational system, from General Educational Law to implemented policies on primary and secondary education, and attempts done at university to promote values formation in a comprehensive manner.

Keywords: Values, Education, Family, School, Formation, Curriculum System, Globalization, Communication.



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How to Cite

Rueda Tenorio, H. (2014). ROLE OF EDUCATION IN THE FORMATION AND REPRODUCTION OF VALUES. Revista Humanismo Y Cambio Social, 63–73. Retrieved from



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